Accreditation review visit “Covid19 style”
After the remarkable experience, over a month ago, of a fully digital accreditation review for the NVAO Flanders, yesterday I was finally […]
Coaching Advies in Onderwijs
Changing is difficult. And why, "why change”? Wasn't it actually better the way it was? Changing your ways is not always easy. Would you like a sparringpartner to address the topics of your interests in the changeprocess? For you as a manager and/or for your team? Sometimes it helps to look at a situation with a different perspective. At the why and how to experience a change process and how you can deal with it. How obstacles can be tackeled and how to achieve flow.
After the remarkable experience, over a month ago, of a fully digital accreditation review for the NVAO Flanders, yesterday I was finally […]